Friday, October 28, 2011


Viewof the bay.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The Chi-Cheemaun has completed  the final crossing of the season.
Seemingly non-stop rain has filled the creeks and wetlands.
Areas of easy summer access are flooded.
The bridge building will now be completed in the spring of 2012.
Our nightly visitor, a blue heron, pauses from fishing to enjoy another evening with our beautiful
Dorcas Bay sunsets.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


"The Tara Cowgirl"

Friday, October 14, 2011


Colourful stop on Hwy 6.
Back street in Lions Head
Aground for the winter in Lions Head
Marina in Lions Head
Local geese heading south.
Foggy morning in the wetland.
Noisy woodpecker.
Evening in the studio.
Fall art work.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

 Good Cheer and blessings to all.

 As Chris and I recover from our sharing of the flu bug.
A dining room sunset treat.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Visiting owl was a fall treat.
Prototype hybrid style "Cleopatra" vehicle experiment!
The Toll Bridge project takes shape.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

TO THE LOCAL TOWNSHIP: Please save our turtles

A new birth snapping turtle getting ready for it's first winter. 
The bottom of the wetlands is it's location of choice. 
But first it has to make it across a  recently "tarred and gravelled" road. 
Many of the turtles didn't survive the untimely road maintenance this year. 
Vehicles are a huge hazard every year but the gravel and tar greatly added to their challenges. 
The township has been advised and hopefully will consider the turtles yearly cycle in years to come.