Sunday, February 12, 2012


In the Phoenix area our friendly saguaro was always present.
Sunsets were spectacular.
Our preference for Mexican food guided us to many local family restaurants.

Grapefruit and oranges were readily available right in our RV park.
On a visit to the Scottsdale area of Phoenix we feasted on yummy Thai cuisine.
The Scottsdale art scene was a treat.
Beautiful work was on display all over the area.
The RV park salt water pool and hot tub was a nice touch to "come home" to.
 During a visit to a RV show, we had visions of upgrading.
We're over that now!!
 Post Goodwill view.
 Local art show
 It had indoors and outdoors displays.
 Local landscaping.
Beautiful countryside.
 Boulder Canyon
 Many retail outlets seem to adapt to their surroundings.
Setting out for California


Kellie said...

Wonderful indeed! A great place to feel the gratitude that beautiful landscapes and excellent experiences gives a person. Thanks for that gift mom and dad!

love you, Kellie

Anonymous said...

Love the pool, post goodwill shop sounds fantastic
Happy Family Day