Monday, June 10, 2013


 This time of year, Dorcas Bay is worth a look.
 When you look down: plants grow out of rocks.
 Lady slipper colours are deepening.

 Near the end of their spring cycle.
 We'll miss them a bunch.
 Singing Sands Welcome
 Beach Grass
 Wild beach Flowers

 When you look out: a heron wanders on the shore line.
 A mud turtle wanders on Dorcas Bay Road.
 "Watch it Maggie,we're out numbered".
Evergreens experienced great growth this spring
Even our rocks seemed to have grown!
Wooden you know it, hunting season has closed.
When you look up: skies put on a show.
An evening walk at Singing Sands is a joyful view any time of the year.

Shore Line Sights

Please check back for "SNAPS OF THE SNAPPERS".


rimckay50 said...

Super Shell - thanks again for great morning wake up with coffee.

Anonymous said...

Awesome sunsets.
Jim & Linda

Unknown said...

Beautiful shots Shell, I'm hoping to come up again soon.

Michael said...

Cant believe the views, you forget how awesome it is !
Love all of you