Friday, December 2, 2011

Panama City Beach

On the trip down we passed through Godrich Ontario.
Still much evidence of the storm damage from last spring.
The town square was completely covered by large trees and all were lost.
Lots of retail buildings and  homes were still in the recovery stage.
After four hotel stops ..........
thanksgivivg dinner.........
and great Mexican dishes........
we arrived in Panama City Beach.
Unfortunately after two nights at a local US navy base, they decided to escort us off the base due to updated security concerns. NOTE TO SELF.....when two well armed, retired marine military police request you to leave it is not a good idea to say " I'm Canadian and won't leave without a fight".
It was a good thing the biggest marine had a tuned sense of humour and started to laugh!!!
Maybe I should have mentioned I had a "fully loaded" Tim Horton card concealed in my wallet!

We booked into the St. Andrews State Park located at the entrance to Panama City harbour.
Park Beach
Chris "waving"!
Interesting sand dunes.
Temperatures in the high 60's at day and mid 30's at night.
A crab washed to shore with the high winds.
Lots of local deer in the campground.
Chris is attending an art course at the state college today.


Kellie said...

Nice photos Dad. I don't remember the beach being that nice when Sherri, Lesley and I went to Panama City in 1992!

In a few days I'll be just across the Gulf from you...lounging in the pool...I hope!

love you and I miss you,


Anonymous said...

30s at night - yikes warmer here
Shots look great
Kellie enjoy your swim & stuff