Monday, September 30, 2013


 Fishing in the evening at Little Tub Harbour.
Great way to end the day.
 Maritime Morning
 A little rain brings life back to the flowers.
 The Monarch migration has been small this year.
Our backyard is a registered Way Station for this wonderful visitor.
 Snapping turtle eggs after a "raccoon raid".
Only 5 to 10%  of turtle eggs hatch.
 One of the lucky few! 
Maggie picking out a pumpkin at a local stand.
Lucky for the buyer I was able to reel her in before she "marked" her choice.
 Now-this is my favorite pumpkin!
I believe it was a 1932 Dodge. Too bad the motor was a four letter word.
 Dottie and Maggie sharing a chair during Dottie's sleep over.
 New Dorcas Bay website!
This is how the local geese "salute" a close encounter. 

1 comment:

Michael said...

like the car
have fun in france