Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Faver-Dykes State Park

After a late arrival at Faver-Dykes State Park, about six miles south of St. Augustine FL, an early morning view of Peller Creek revealed the isolated setting of this unique park.
Chris working on her latest water colour.
One of the many walking trails around our campsite.
This park had great views of a wide variety of wildlife.
An early trip to St. Augustine complete with busy sky and retail offerings.
My first thought was to rent one of these vehicles but I would rather be looking out rather then looked at!
The Red Train was a great way to tour the city with its "hop on-hop off" options.
Lots of history in this 600 year old city.

The bridge to St. Augustine Island has recently been restored. A beautiful creation.
Many of the streets are lined with live oaks and Spanish moss.
Parks and historic buildings are plentiful.
A charming Spanish guard on duty at the fountain of youth really didn't look his age (600 yrs).
I guess that fountain really works.
Show Off
That Red Train Tour dropped us right off at a local winery tour.
The tour was most informative and generous.
The Port samples were plentiful and for a brief time I forgot the colour of our Red Train.
I think this was the last group who made the wrong decision to drive their own vehicle to the winery tour.
Great beach .
The old fort in St. Augustine.

The next day in the park, we set out on a three hour canoe trip.
The local birds seemed to escort us on the trip.
After two hours we were a little dry so we grounded on a nearby oyster mount and set up a mini bar,
Our only option was to stay in the canoe since the surrounding wetland would suck you in so fast that only the "US COAST GUARD or God could save ya!!" (a local saying)

Back at the campsite enjoying life.
Like that C&W song goes-
Beer is good-God is great and people are crazy!


Kellie said...

Excellent photos Dad. Thanks for all the "lol"'s too!!

Michael said...

Did not know that St Augustine was so old. Love the still water shot in the State park

Michael said...

hey forgot were those little eyebrow cars electric?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun place with lots of history. Don't hurry home...still lots of snow. lol
Jim & Linda

Anonymous said...

The reflective waters of your canoe trip photo bring to mind a painting by Monet - beautifully shot!

Shell MacLEAN said...

Yes-the cars were electric.