Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Thank you to all who followed our blog.
Our tour was a wonderful experience and we hope you enjoyed the trip as much as we did.
We travelled close to 25,000km and arrived home safely last week.

Please enjoy some of the views around the
Bruce Peninsula.

 Water snake with a water view.
 Lady Slippers are one of the stars at the June Orchid Festival.

 Wetland beaver.
 Indian paint brush.
 A Monarch butterfly.
 This butterfly is a looker!!
A "magic" evening on Dorcas Bay Road.
Please Brake for Turtles


Anonymous said...

Thank you both for "taking" us on this amazing trip with you. We have really enjoyed it and I'm sure you are glad to be home again.
Jim & Linda

Anonymous said...

hey guys
Thanks for the excellent visit
Love you both very much