Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Walk to beach from camp site.
Arriving at the beach area.
Sand dunes alongside path.
Shore border dunes.
The beach area is three miles long and all natural.
It is not groomed and that's a good thing.
This is a cannon ball jelly fish and spider crab.
The young crab lives on the jelly fish at the start of life.
This horse crab is over one foot across and you can easily tell if you step on it with your bare feet.
The "star" of the beach.
I like to "keep an eye out" for shells.
The wind creates these paterns with the sea grass.
Guess who loves this water!
Yes, this beach is "two thumbs up".


Kellie said...

Great photos Dad. I was thinking about the boardwalk to the beach at Huntington the other day. I remember a couple of years ago walking along, seeing a bird fly overhead with something in it's mouth and hearing him drop it just behind me. It was a snake!!! Wow!! Scary!

Loved that beach when we were there. Remember the hug fish head we saw?

Snakes and fish heads...sounds appealing huh?! Loved it anyway.

We love you, miss you,

Anonymous said...

The beach looks amazing
Swimming in the ocean has to be the best part of your day

Anonymous said...

Looks like you two are having an awesome time...great pics. Linda & Jim