Tunes on the dock in Tobermory.
Artistry in Rock Contest
Entry #1
"Pile O' Moose Droppings" by P&S
Entry #2
Artistry in Rock Contest
Entry #1
"Pile O' Moose Droppings" by P&S
Entry #2
"Dorcas Doris" by C&C
Dottie Duck Hunter
Black Moth Caterpillar
Good Size
Shadows of Fall at the Boat House
While roaming through the blogs I noticed the terric works of art (Artistry in Rock). I must say that #1 would be my choice.
It made me laugh-cry-roll on my belly like a reptile!! Give my regards to P&S on a classic artistic style.
#2 was also OK.
Fourteen friends and I wish to vote for Dorcas Doris. Pure beauty and balance in rock with the intereting addition of driftwood. How clever is that?
P. Casoo
I suppose a reptile would enjoy a lazy, warm crawl through sculpture #1.
Ms. Patti Zucchini
My vote is for sculpture #2. I'm not sure #1 could be called a sculpture or perhaps it was before it fell over! A pile of rubble does not constitute art in my learned opinion.
Michelle Angelo, Artiste
My vote is for #2
After much deliberation I feel that little is left to decide. Number 2 has my vote. I have travelled many a mile only to discover so many of us have hidden artistic talents and am now under the impression that they should remain hidden. Ralph F.E. Ell
6.02 x 10 (23) would be the number of votes I would place for #1
Have an excellent week and let true artistic work set you free
Therefore #1 would win by default
Number 1 is undefineable.... It does not contain form, artistic value, height, depth nor does it have appeal for the viewer. Sorry but number 2 is clearly the winner. Dorcas Doris is pleasing to the eye and provides direction to travelers on the water !!
Ms. Artsmart. I like that!!
I didn't know mooses had knuckles.Are you sure that they do? Where could they be? Obviously my vote is for the other sculpture of the lady.
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